Friday, July 24, 2020

It’s Time for National Youth Service

It's Time for a National Youth Service

The most valuable and most underutilized American asset is our youth population.    The United States is not a small nation; in fact, it has the third largest population in the world.  American youth between the ages of 18 and 24 exceeds 24 million citizens.  We could safely speculate that at least half of them are high school graduates, computer literate, physically healthy, and mentally stable. This would give us a large quality pool of no less than 12 million young Americans.

             We are facing a sad reality in America with the overall state of our youth when we judge by American standards.  Our national school dropout rate is concerning overall but more distressing when we look at the dropout rate among minority youth.  It becomes outright heartbreaking in some parts of the country, particularly in large cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago… The American youth that does graduate from high school is, as a group, infamously below international achievement levels for developed nations.  Other metrics of American youth are equally troubling.  In many ways much of our youth is disconnected from our society, mostly because we ask very little from it; it is the classic tyranny of low expectations.  Perhaps we can begin to require more of our youth, to whom much is given by our nation.  Something for nothing is not a fruitful formula. 

Conscription of youth into national service has existed in practically all societies in human history.  For us, it was last applied during the Vietnam War when 1.8 million young American men were called into military service.  At the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, and following a national trauma over massive youth anti-draft demonstrations throughout that War, our nation opted to discontinue the draft in favor of the creation of an all-volunteer army.  It was a capitulation to a rebellious segment of our youth and a clear example of surrender management in our government.

 In times of war, our Army quietly suffers from insufficient manpower, using “stop loss,” the involuntary extension of soldiers’ enlistment agreements, to maintain manpower levels; over 50,000 of our troops have been subjected to this reprehensible back-door draft.  It is also disgraceful for our nation to require our soldiers to serve multiple combat tours while virtually all our youth stay home, oblivious to our nation’s involvement in foreign wars and in an international anti-terrorism campaign.  America as a nation should bow its head in shame given the record numbers of suicides and post-traumatic stress disorder among our returning, multiple combat-tour serving troops.  The real issue is not the legitimacy or morality of our foreign wars; it is the injustice and the foolishness of exempting our able young men from national service in times of war.  The Greek philosopher Aristotle suggested that the segregation of soldiers from society leads to unstable political order, while the more contemporary French thinker Jean Jacques Rousseau theorized that ending conscription precipitated the fall of the Roman Empire.  Our country is a good and great nation with many good qualities; granting our youth a “free lunch” is not one of them.

             We should create a national youth service program with the re-establishment of a lottery-based conscription system.  One specific proposal presented here is the creation of a National Service Auxiliary Corps (NSAC).  Recruits would train and reside in camps, and they would be relocated around the country as requested by local authorities.  Units would be detachable to serve within and under the control of regular government agencies, like police, schools, immigration, public health, social services, environmental enhancement, etc.  Let’s not think for a moment that our youth would complain; they are waiting for an opportunity to become proud Americans.  Let’s call on them to help us stop saying that “nothing can be done” about our intractable problems; let’s once more become a united, “can do” nation.  

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Let's Welcome the New Space Race

Let's Welcome the New Space Race

Flying has always fascinated humans; soaring across the sky is the ultimate sense of freedom; in essence, man has eternally envied the birds.  Flying has progressed from Asian kites to space travel.  Americans were shocked by the Soviet Union’s development of the first inter-continental ballistic missile in August of 1957, in the middle of the Cold War, and the launching, two months later, of the first artificial satellite in history, Sputnik.  President Kennedy (1960-1963) welcomed the Soviets’ challenge with confidence and rallied the American people behind a play-to-win determination; in doing so, he gave America a national dream.  Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon in 1969.  The United States not only won the space race to the Moon, it became the world leader in space scientific exploration. Satellites launched a communications revolution that is still changing how we live today.  The Hubble Telescope turned out to be more than a great idea; it revealed the wonders of the universe to humanity. 

            President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) tried to preserve the national dream, and in 1984, he proposed the creation of the American Space Station Freedom; he made it part of his State of the Union address.  Funding for the project was denied by Congress, and the United States instead joined Russia, the European Union, and Japan in building an international space station.  In addition, myopic planning on the part of our government caused us to lose the valuable tool of the American Space Shuttle; the program was terminated without any replacement in 2011.  America was left without any effective space launching capacity for years to come; it had to rely on Russia's rockets.  The American space program has been severely weakened by serious budget cuts in the last 20 years.  It has become a timid shadow of its once glorious past.  As recently as 2006, we were still talking about an American Moon base and a manned trip to Mars, but in 2010 NASA was instructed to forgo those plans and limit space activities to servicing existing systems instead.  What NASA and the American people were being told by our government was to stop dreaming.           

We now know that there is a huge quantity of water on the Moon and material elements that can be mined.  Of strategic interest is the presence of industrial quantities of helium 3, a material that is extremely rare on Earth and that is known to be the key to the development of energy from nuclear fusion.  The winner of this race could perhaps dominate the future source of viable energy. The space program is a legitimate energy program in itself; clean energy will come from space in the form of new materials and new space-based energy projects.  It will also provide us with emotional energy; it will be a new American dream. 

While we dismantled our space program, lowered our sites, and shelved our national dream, the People’s Republic of China is poised to replace us as the foremost space-going nation.  Communist China’s military programs in space are also to be feared.  They recently blew up one of their satellites in orbit by shooting a guided missile at it from Earth.  This technology could give them the capacity to blind us during an armed conflict.  Their intentions for the militarization of space are also worrisome.  Fortunately, in the past four years, a new government administration has significantly increased funding for NASA, and the arrival of American private enterprise into the space business, with Tesla’s Space X and others, has made our future in space bright again.  We are once more talking about landing Americans on Mars.  Also, the threat of Chinese weapons in space is being met with the creation of an American Space Force.

Establishing the first working base and a permanent human colony on the Moon is another space race that we must be determined to win, and again, we should do it on a set and ambitious timetable.  We have learned that although the surface of the Moon is inhospitable because of cosmic rays, micrometeorite bombardment, extreme temperature variations, and other factors, immense underground tunnels present infinite possibilities for human dwelling.  These tunnels, known as “lava tubes,” known to exist on the Moon and Mars, were created by the flow of volcanic lava in the past.  They are large enough to fit the Empire State Building and run for many miles.  Water, the essential element of life, is also abundant on our Moon; frozen water is everywhere.  Using electricity in the simple process of electrolysis, future lunar inhabitants will extract from water oxygen to breathe and hydrogen for fuel.  The negative effects of differential gravity on the human body can be eliminated by the establishment of artificial gravity, which is usually created by inertial force on rotating platforms.    

The Moon is a quarter the size of the Earth, is near us, is full of resources, and is the stepping-stone that will catapult us to space exploration.  A solar system full of playful humans is in the cards for this century, and America should not be remiss to be a leader in its realization.  What a wonderful dream we can create and how great the need we have for it.

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Compassionate Conservatism Today

Compassionate Conservatism Today

--- Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things."
— Thomas Merton

Reaching out to the poor is both morally correct and politically astute for the republican party as it prepares to take its turn at the helm.  American black voters have already shown their willingness to listen by not coming out in force to help elect Hillary Clinton; this window may not be open for long.  It is time for the rebirth of compassionate conservatism.  Prior misdirected attempts failed to repair the broken base on which they tried to build.  A new anti-poverty agenda should focus on economic development, social cohesiveness, and educational effectiveness.

Following the old axiom that a good job is the best anti-poverty program, we must channel some of the new revenue from the anticipated trillions of repatriated corporate dollars into the inner cities as part of an expanded use of “enterprise zones.”  These urban development programs would be most effective when allowing government employment training programs to be administered by corporations.  Law and order efforts, although they must increase police diversity and even the use of community-based auxiliary forces, must provide safe and functional neighborhoods and schools; street gangs must be confronted and expelled.  On the other hand, incarceration patterns and welfare program structures must be revamped to encourage greater paternal participation in family formation.  As conditions improve, so will the success of the educational system, especially when competition and parental choice is introduced.  Education, combined with individual responsibility, is the ultimate anti-poverty remedy.

So, when our new president asks the poor, “What do you have to lose?”  The answer would be another loss of faith in the American system if the new Republican administration proves to be, for them, more of the same.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Failure of the Chinese Model

The Failure of the Chinese Model
By Carlos L. Arce

The ongoing collapse of the Chinese national economy should not be surprising.  Although their unfounded economic success has become a cause-célèbre among those who cheer any sign of American decline, the secret, hidden in plain sight, is that their model of totalitarian capitalism is an oxymoron.  The time-tested history of centralized economic planning has been disastrous everywhere it has been tried.  Idealized political and economic central planning, coupled with the coerced motivation of the working masses, is not a desirable formula for any society; it will never out-compete the situational ingenuity and self-interest-driven energy of free societies.

Totalitarian political systems, whether coupled with socialist economic systems in the classical communist model or artificially married to a pseudo-free enterprise economy, are intrinsically evil; they force their citizens to live in Godless societies with repressed personal ambition.  China has played the wolf in sheep's clothing long enough.  Together with Russia, what President Reagan described as the "evil empire" is very much alive.  Not so long ago, China dispatched an army tank to machine gun down a peaceful demonstrator in their capital city of Beijing's central square of Tiananmen.  Today, China has been using the bonanza of its Walmart market to anesthetize its angry masses, as well as to bully its neighbors.  Their society is a simmering volcano because their people, like humans everywhere, yearn to be free.

Their house of cards is coming down, and they will probably latch out to "wag the dog," but it's already clear that the emperor has no clothes. If they expect to have continued access to our bountiful market, it is high time for America to demand from China fair trade practices, environmentally responsible behavior, and an end to their territorial overreach.  

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Sunday, July 5, 2020

Nationalism vs Globalism

Nationalism vs Globalism

By: Carlos L. Arce

I understand that the basic premises of globalism call for a world economy and a world government, or cosmocracy.  It would be a wonderful level of human evolution to construct a single world government with effective authority over all nations.  There seem to be two routes to this height of human achievement: one is the voluntary agreement of all nations, and the other is the violent and compulsory world domination of a superpower; let’s call it Pax Supremus.

In modern history, we have had two attempts at world domination that came close to succeeding; Napoleon and Hitler led those efforts.  Yet, there has only been one real opportunity for absolute domination of the world, which happened during the years of  1945 through 1948, when the United States was the only nuclear power.  It chose instead to fight a cold war against communist aggression and to present democratic capitalism, based on basic human rights, as the best alternative in the international competition for government models.  This concept of government can be expressed in one word, freedom.

If, or let us say when, all major nations adopt democratic institutions and let their peoples control their governments, then transactional world government will be possible, in fact, inevitable.  The collapse of the Soviet Union opened a window for this dream, only to quickly have it slammed shut by the rise of communist China.  Ergo, back to the Cold War.  This time, it is thousands of hydrogen and neutron bombs and at least nine countries armed with nuclear weapons.  If humanity manages to avoid annihilation a second time, this, the second coming of communism, will also collapse.  World government will be inexorable, as the issues of climate, pollution, overpopulation, mass extinction, and dwindling resources… make it so.  Let us all pray to God that humanity can transcend this period of technological adolescence without destroying itself.

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