Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Balanced Budget Constitutional Convention

The national debt becomes a problem when we borrow to keep up with runaway entitlements, not for economic development or infrastructure projects.  Entitlements, once given by elected official, can never be taken back, without losing their next election; in fact the opposite is true.  Hence, only a balanced budget amendment can arrest the budget deficit and control the national debt.  There is a hopeful sign in the horizon.  The U.S. Constitution in Article Five allows for the creation of a "constitutional convention," provided that it is requested by the legislatures 2/3 of the states, which today is 34 states.  An exciting initiative has already achieved the request by 29 states and the remaining five can be obtained in five republic dominated legislatures.  Congress has no say in this process and after the amendment is written it only requires approval by 3/4 of the state legislatures.  Congress would never get this done, but our founding fathers wisely provided for the alternative process in Article Five of the Constitution, so that it can be done by "We the People."

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