Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Is There a Donald Trump Secret Majority?

One wonders how Trump has won the Republican Party nomination while so few people seem to publicly proclaim to be ready to vote for him.  Has it been an exercise of reactive choice and suspended judgment?  I dare suspect that there is a "secret majority" of voters in the Republican Party and perhaps beyond who desperately hope for radical change in key areas of government policy but are intimidated into silence by a wave of boisterous repulsion by the American mainstream media.  For Mr. Trump's public and secret supporters, his inartful policy statements are a small price to pay in exchange for the anticipated certainty of his promises of draconian transformation of current government rule.  In his crude way, Mr. Trump is rekindling hope for those who yearn for the days of nearly balanced budgets, unperceivable undocumented immigration, trade surpluses, energy sufficiency, near full employment, secured homeland, predictable social mores...  The media is the message, but will its relentless demonization of the self-funded champion of the dream suffice to prevent the covert revolt?

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