Forfeiting the Space Race to China
One of the most frightening things about the wrong direction our nation is following is the virtual surrender to the new space race, the one we should be having with China. The overwhelming lead we had in space technology
is rapidly disappearing. Our failure to
consider space exploration as an industrial and military imperative, beyond our
commendable scientific inquisitiveness, has made our space program an
afterthought in the national political debate.
It last appeared in a presidential debate when Newt Gingrich suggested
the creation of an American Moon base during the 2012 campaign. The idea was instantly ridiculed by the
mainstream media.
The first sign of an
American decline in space came with its commitment to the International Space Station (ISS) without pursuing any other major American dream project. Our magnificent fleet of space shuttles, which became the primary building tool for the ISS, was allowed to fizzle out with the last flight of the shuttle Atlantis on July 21, 2011. For years thereafter, U.S. astronauts had to hitchhike
on Russian Proton and Soyuz rockets.
Today, NASA sets its aim on Martian voyages and flyby missions to the outer planets. At the same time, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) has an accelerated program of technological development, which already sent men into space with its Shenzhou 5 spaceships. It now has plans for its
own space station and men on the Moon by 2020.
Their leaders openly talk of Earth-Moon industrial development and
space-based energy projects, which is obvious considering that the Moon is
rich in the mineral Helium 2, essential for fusion energy development. And just to highlight the danger to America, the Chinese have tested satellite-killing missiles that could literally blind our military in a conflict.
We have not gotten here
for lack of money, not when we have borrowed and spent 20 trillion dollars in
the last two decades. Someone is asleep
at the switch.
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: Carlos L. Arce
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