Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What to Expect from President Trump on Energy

What to Expect from President Trump on Energy -

Energy is at the center of our lives and is pivotal in the economy of our nation.  The dilemma is that most of our energy still comes from fossil fuels, which threaten global warming.  Well-intended progressives have forced our country to limit the domestic production of our abundant reservoirs while we continue expensive imports from abroad.  They have also compelled our businesses to follow very strict environmental restrictions, while China, India, and other commercial competitors do not.  These nonsensical policies have, in great part, contributed to America’s loss of its manufacturing base, its jobs, and its wealth.  The basic reality is that American energy sacrifices are futile, while China, India and other expanding economies proceed with business as usual.  The solution requires international common action, not an American economic disarmament.

The use of renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, and others cannot be forced upon our population. At the same time, they remain uneconomical and make our products non-competitive in the domestic and international markets.  Our nation presently produces only 15% of the pollution, while China alone has doubled that amount and continues to grow.  The Chinese are building and planning to build over 1,200 new coal-fired plants as we speak.  Coal is the most polluting of the fossil fuels, followed by oil, and the best immediate strategy for us is to unshackle the production of domestic natural gas as a bridge energy source.  American natural gas, which emits half as much CO² as coal, could gradually replace coal in electricity generation at home and even abroad.  Natural gas could also run our vehicles, especially trucks and buses, which alone would eliminate all our need for energy imports.  American energy exports would also be a balance of trade equalizer.

The new republican administration is in the process of liberating our energy sector so that it can rush to make our nation not only energy independent but the primary world supplier of natural gas.  It will bring wealth and jobs back home while greatly reducing environmental pollution.  There will be no central master plan, that would doom the effort, it will instead allow the genius of the American free market to work within a reasonable framework of regulatory oversight.  There will be much resistance and organized protests, but ultimately, the rejuvenation of the American economy will be unstoppable.

In the near future, technology will bring us cheap electric cars and hydrogen fuel cells and economical solar, wind, biomass, thermal, and other renewable sources.  Furthermore, our scientific community envisions space-based energy generation and fusion reactors at home supplied with Helium III from the moon.  Many physicists even suggest that future understanding of the quantum entanglement of particles may lead to energy teleportation.  Let’s not succumb to fear, God will always guide us to save harbor; the future is bright.

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