Sunday, August 15, 2021


An American Education Winning Team

Education has always been more than a way out of poverty for many, and more than the mechanism to supply skilled workers for the economy, it has been the most effective social equalizer.  Today, it has also become an imperative of national security.  Our best educated youth is competing internationally with the best students from China, a communist totalitarian dictatorship committed to our demise.  It is suicidal for our society to pursue educational parity for all American students, as a form of achieving racial and social equality.  We need to provide the best possible education for all our students, nevertheless, outstanding students must be provided advanced learning to the limit of their capacity; they are the American Winning Team that will win the international competition for us.  Private schools will continue to supply a portion of the well-educated youth, but the mass of American students depend on the public school system.

Today, some public school districts in the country are seeking to eliminate advanced courses to allow slower learning students to keep up with faster learners.  This may sound politically correct to some, but it is a guarantee that our society will be grossly outcompeted in the global economy.  In the international arena, not every child gets a trophy.  Equal opportunity, personal responsibility and individual merit are the basis for fairness.  Failing public schools are the problem, not “slow learners,” school choice for parents is the answer. 

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