Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What to Expect from President Trump on Immigration

There is no plan for the universal deportation of illegal immigrants in the country, but left-wing controlled cities and campuses are openly declaring their sanctuary resistance plans against the fabricated monster; it creates media attention at the expense of the frightened undocumented immigrant population.  Many detractor groups undoubtedly have their camera-ready ambushes waiting to film the tearful breakup of families, as well as the potentially violent confrontations between anti-deportation demonstrators and federal law enforcement officers.  

The new, simple, and clear-cut government policy includes four steps: 1. Stop further illegal immigration, 2. Deport all illegal immigrants with criminal records; 3. Reform the immigration statutes, and 4. Provide conditional amnesty to non-criminal, undocumented immigrants already established in the country.

I anticipate a wise implementation of the new policy that would include the following:

  •        Postpone all confrontations with organized resistance groups while concentrating on the rapid achievement of available options. It would begin with the construction of modern physical barriers on vulnerable segments of the border and an increase in the manpower of border guards and visa enforcement officers, using existing funds and new funding legislation.                                            
  •     Simultaneously, proceed at the maximum possible speed with the deportation of illegal immigrants with criminal records.  Even after tripling the present number of annual deportations, it would take two to three years to deport the estimated two to three million illegal immigrants in this category.  A sudden and massive deportation regime would create shock at home and economic calamity in the receiving countries of Mexico and Central American nations.
  •         Introduce statutory changes to our immigration laws that would lessen chain migration, Increase screening of import workers to protect American labor, and emphasize skills and education for new immigrants.
  •          Create a registration program for undocumented immigrants over a fixed period of time, leading to a conditional amnesty and a normal path to citizenship.
  •         Finally, a strict E-Verify system should be instituted, and sanctuary cities, counties, and institutions in the country should be challenged.

At the end of this process, most undocumented immigrants will be legal residents, and our nation can begin to heal from this hurtful dilemma.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Fair Deal for Our Youth

Before we rush to consider free college tuition and refinancing student debt for all, which we probably could not afford, why don't we offer these new entitlements only to qualified young people willing to give back to the country?

Our nation desperately needs a National Youth Service Program to remedy the personnel shortages in areas like school tutoring, border patrol, environmental improvement, and military service. Let's offer our youth a fair deal, not a free lunch.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Desperate Need to Clarify the Immigration Policy

President-elect Trump did give the impression, at the genesis of his presidential campaign, that he wanted universal deportation of illegal immigrants.  During the course of the campaign, his stated views were gradually modulated to reflect the clear position of the bulk of the American People.  There is no national support for a massive deportation force to expel eleven million (or more) illegal immigrants in the country.  There is, however, substantial popular consensus on ending illegal immigration through vigorous law enforcement, as well as for the deportation of illegal immigrants who have been convicted of felony crimes.  The nation wants sensible and legal immigration that benefits our society.

Sadly, the popular belief, aggravated by distorted liberal media reports, continues to reflect a fear of impending mass deportation.  Major sanctuary cities are reaffirming their intent to resist indiscriminate immigration enforcement, and student protestors conveniently label as racist the imaginary universal deportation policy.  This fiery discontent may fizzle out, but it may also fester ad nauseam, and the president-elect may soon be compelled to dispel all notions of the deportation of decent, law-abiding immigrants already here.  Yes, first, we end further illegal immigration and expel those involved in crime, but saying that we'll see what happens to the rest later is not good enough at this time.  
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Monday, November 14, 2016

Gazing Beyond the Noise

When I returned from military service in Vietnam, not as a hero but as a deplorable American, to a nation far more rancorous than today's mild political polarization, I learned to count my blessings and to look up beyond the noise and into our nation's great promise. Some public protests and expressions of discontent are part of that great promise—it's freedom. 

There are strong feelings of rejection among many towards our President-Elect, caused by some hasty comments he made during the campaign, but mostly by the relentless vilification of Donald Trump by the liberal media.  This too shall pass, it's politics.

Looking forward, our new president is not an inflexible ideologue; in fact, he's already showing signs of reasonable compromise. The essential thing is that he has promised to unleash our people's creative forces and asked the nation to dream big. Once again, we aspire to greatness; it's hope.

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