Monday, November 14, 2016

Gazing Beyond the Noise

When I returned from military service in Vietnam, not as a hero but as a deplorable American, to a nation far more rancorous than today's mild political polarization, I learned to count my blessings and to look up beyond the noise and into our nation's great promise. Some public protests and expressions of discontent are part of that great promise—it's freedom. 

There are strong feelings of rejection among many towards our President-Elect, caused by some hasty comments he made during the campaign, but mostly by the relentless vilification of Donald Trump by the liberal media.  This too shall pass, it's politics.

Looking forward, our new president is not an inflexible ideologue; in fact, he's already showing signs of reasonable compromise. The essential thing is that he has promised to unleash our people's creative forces and asked the nation to dream big. Once again, we aspire to greatness; it's hope.

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