Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Let’s Put an End to the Election of 2016

Let’s Put an End to the Election of 2016

The Electoral College voted that Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated President of the United States, and the Republican Party, in control of both houses of Congress, will begin to implement the new Republican Platform. The Democrat Party, still in shock over the election results, continues to search for reasons to explain the defeat and ways to delegitimize the Republican victory.

Many things had some effect on the election results; there were ongoing FBI investigations, and emails from the Democratic National Committee and from the Clinton campaign were hacked and made public, but these issues were not fake.  The FBI investigations were not invented, they were real then and they continue today.  The hacking of the email was illegal and should be investigated, but the content of the email is what had a negative effect.  In the final analysis, these harmful realities hurt the Clinton candidacy to some degree, but not enough to decide the election.  Republicans won 33 of the 50 states, 80% of the counties in the country, most governorships and state houses, a sizeable majority of the popular vote if we exclude ultra-liberal California, and both houses of Congress; it was a conclusive triumph of conservative principles over the agenda of the left.

So, let’s end the 2016 election and try to return to a normal state, where we have an elected government running the country and a loyal opposition fighting to prevent the party in power from indulging in excess in the pursuit of its ideals.

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