Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The “Repeal & Replace” of Obamacare is Neither Quick, nor Centrally Planned

The “Repeal & Replace” of Obamacare is Neither Quick, nor Centrally Planned -

The incoming administration is being challenged to produce a comprehensive replacement for the Affordable Care Act before the existing law is completely repealed. Neither is going to happen quickly. Repealing the ACA will come in steps designed to preclude leaving large numbers of people without their newly acquired medical coverage before a substitute system is in place. The surgical dismantling will also seek to preserve the popular features of the ACA, like the protection of people with pre-existing conditions.

The question of what comprehensive master plan will replace ACA fails to grasp the fundamental dichotomy of political philosophy.  The new president will rely on the greatest American asset to produce a replacement system, the American free market.  There is no master plan hidden in someone’s desk drawer, but rather, bits and pieces have been taking shape in the minds of American business leaders, and a process of trial and error will soon follow.  Ultimately, a competitive set of options will be available to all Americans, and the poor will have to be subsidized in purchasing their own private medical insurance.

President Obama’s greatest legacy is not the mechanics of this deficient law but the new acceptance by all Americans that universal medical care is right and long overdue.

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